Wednesday, November 10, 2010 - A atins pragul de 2000 viziatori pe luna.

Site-ul a fost lansat pe data 2-iunie-2009 . Acest site a fost dezvoltat de o echipa profesionisti timp de 6 luni, iar conform Google Analytics in data de 08-11-2010 a atins pragul de 2000 vizitatori unici. Baza noastra de date contine la momentul acesta aproape 8000 de programe, de la aproximativ 4,231 dezvoltatori. Aceste programe sunt actualizate permanent cu ultimele versiuni.Odata cu cresterea bazei de date, acest site a devenit un jucator important pe piata din Romania dar si in strainatate atragand permanent advertiseri prin platforma Google Adwords.

Momentan stocam informatii in limba engleza, romana, dar datorita multitudini de informatii trimise de dezvoltatori folosind formatul PAD(Portable Application Description), in viitorul apropiat vom putea afisa descrieri ale programelor in limba germane, franceza, rusa,chineza.Trimiterea programelor se face usor trimitand locatia fisierului PAD, utilizand formularul de la pagina : .Mai multe informatii despre editarea unui astfel de fisier puteti gasi la adresa: . Odata trimis acest fisier, vom verifica permanent informatiile din intermediul acestui fisier, iar cand va aparea o versiune noua se va actualiza automat.

Deoarece clientul (viziatorul) este cel care ne modeleaza afacerea dorim sa stim permanent necesitatile acestora. Daca aveti o viziune asupra modului in care acest site ar trebui sa se dezvolte, nu ezitati sa ne scrieti pe adresa redactiei.

Perse Adrian

Friday, October 22, 2010

Ten top php scripts

PHP makes it easy to add powerful features to your website with minimal effort through the use of scripts. If you have CakePHP installed, you can use the Paypal Payments Component to set up Paypal to receive payments and donations. CakePHP also lets you display all the latest from your Twitter feed with a script that you can copy and paste from their sites Articles section. Another great feature of CakePHP is that it can allow you to harness the power of jQuery to allow users to upload and crop images. Use this to allow users to upload avatars or post an image for their friends. This script can be found in the “Snippets” section of their site. Another great script provided by CakePHP is the AutoLogin component. Now, a user to your site will have the choice of whether or not they have to log in with each visit. Tired of getting spam in the comments section of your site? Commentia is yet another CakePHP script that helps filter out spam. Other PHP frameworks can provide most of these features.
Say you want to see exactly what pages on the site your visitors are viewing most? Take a look at IDLogger, a click-tracking script. The coolest feature of this script is that all the data is returned in real time – you can even track individual users as they move from page to page. Usercart2 makes setting up an online shop a walk in the park. phpBB will give your visitors a bulletin board with which to interact on your site. Set up a blog – or even give users their own blogs – quickly and easily with PostNuke. Finally, keep your news page up-to-date with CuteNews, an easy and powerful way to add and edit news updates.

We offer a unique variety of Internet marketing opportunities that can help your business establish a strong online presence. Our web marketing campaigns are built on time-tested and proven techniques that deliver real results. We will strategically market your business toward specific audiences, with content and media created to deliver appropriate messages to niches and specialized interest groups.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Top 10 downloads of the past 10 years

These 10 applications best represent the top trends in downloading over the past decade.


Today instant messengers are ubiquitous, but when ICQ ("I Seek You") was first released in 1997, it was truly the first of its kind. Though competitors such as Yahoo Instant Messenger and AIM have since encroached on ICQ's territory, this chat client remains enormously popular with international users, and it has remained one of's most popular applications since its launch.

Download Winamp

Arriving fast on the heels of the emerging MP3 digital format, Nullsoft's Winamp was one of the darlings of the burgeoning digital audio scene in the late '90s. This free audio player quickly gained popularity, becoming one of the most popular files on, and Nullsoft was eventually acquired by AOL in 1999.


Who doesn't remember this controversial file-sharing kingpin? Developed by Northeastern University student Shawn Fanning, Napster was a groundbreaking application that enabled users to share MP3s painlessly for the first time through a peer-to-peer network. Napster has since been sued, shuttered, and reborn as a subscription music service, but its legacy remains.

Download Firefox
Developed by the open-source Mozilla project in 2003, Firefox was the first browser to show the promise of breaking Microsoft's stranglehold on the browser market. Lightweight, secure, and packed with useful features, Firefox exemplifies the promise of the strengthening open-source movement.

Download WinZip
When CNET launched in 1996, WinZip was among the first programs in our library, and in the past nine years, it has remained near the top of our Most Popular list. The reason is simple: For many years, WinZip was an essential utility. You couldn't download or send large files without it. Even the fact that Windows XP now has built-in ZIP support hasn't diminished its popularity. The keys to WinZip's success are its simplicity and its singularity of purpose: it does one thing--compressing and decompressing files--and it does it very well.

Apple's music player and organizer makes our top 10 list for the sheer beauty of its product design. iTunes is not only a full-featured media player and library in its own right, it's also the gateway for Apple's iPod and popular music store, creating an elegant and simple interface for buying and organizing music. If only all software were this easy to use.

Download Ad-aware
Almost as soon as there was software to download, there was adware coming along for the ride. Lavasoft did its part to hold the line with Ad-aware, a spyware scanner and remover. Its simple interface and excellent results have gained the program acclaim over the past five years, including a recent monopoly on the No. 1 slot in's Most Popular list. We wouldn't download files without it, and apparently, neither would most of you.

Download Skype
If Internet signals can travel over a phone line, then voice calls can travel over the Internet, right? With a Voice-over-IP (VOIP) program such as Skype, they certainly can. The prospect of making free calls to folks all over the globe has persuaded millions of people to install the software; the ease of use and surprising voice quality have earned Skype a loyal user base and accolades that include a CNET Editors' Choice and a Webby.

Download RealPlayer
Ten years ago, the Web was full of static content. The 1995 debut of RealPlayer changed all that. Streaming audio and video in a free media player was a bold step forward into making the Internet a viable entertainment platform, and RealNetworks was there. Today the software plays almost every media format, and the online music store sells tunes compatible with most MP3 players--even the iPod. RealPlayer hasn't always been at the head of the class, but it was there first, and it keeps adapting to the developing world of online media.

Download Adobe Acrobat Reader
Bridging the gap between print and Internet publishing, Adobe's portable document format (PDF) lets publishers distribute their articles, newsletters, and documentation online without worrying about formatting problems or unauthorized alterations. By giving away the Acrobat Reader early on, Adobe helped create a nearly unassailable market position. If you want to read magazine archives or software manuals online, you need Acrobat Reader--as its nearly seven-year occupation of the Most Popular list can attest.

Top Ten SEO Tools

#1 - JustSearch's Site Comparison Tool

JustSearch's Site Comparison Tool. What better way of getting an indication of how much search engine optimisation your site needs than by comparing your site with one of your competitors. Enter your site and the URL of one of your competitors and you will not only get a decent amount of data but you will also be shown a radar graph of the data. The essentially represents a footprint of your site, compares to your competitor's footprint. Probably the best SEO tool I've seen for a while as it paints a clear picture of what needs to be done.

#2 - Backlink Watch's Back Link Checker Tool

Backlink Watch's Back Link Checker Tool. Most back link tools just tell you how many links you have. This tool goes a step further and looks at the anchor text, PageRank and number of out bound links on the linking page. It will also give you an indication of any abnormal flags like nofollow that have been used on the backlink. It does take some time to run, but it produces a good set of results.

#3 - Dig Pagerank's PageRank Tool

Dig Pagerank's PageRank Tool. Useful to see your PageRank, but more than that. You can view what you PageRank is in lots of different Google data centres and see if a PageRank update is coming your way.

#4 - SearchStatus' Firefox Extension

SearchStatus' Firefox Extension. A must have tool for any SEO that uses Firefox. A simple right click on on the unobtrusive icon will give you access to backlink for either the page or the domain, or even a neat little keyword density checker. The toolbar will also display PageRank, Alexa rank and Compete rank information.

#5 - JustSearch's Nortometer Tool

JustSearch's Nortometer Tool. Odd name, but I've not seen much like this tool out there. The tool looks at the top results in Google for a given keyword and then matches commonly used words a phrases on each of those pages. The result is 1-4 word phrases that you should be including in your content in order to match those sites that rank highly for your keyword. It is a keyword suggestion tool that doesn't use searching statistics.

#6 - Google's Webmaster Tools

Google's Webmaster Tools. The brilliant Google web master tools has a few good functions that are useful to any SEO. With a built in back link checker and a header analyser it is a good way of spotting problems in the long run.

#7 - SEO Chat's Header Checker

SEO Chat's Header Checker. This tool is handy for checking that you have put a correct form of redirect on a page or site. Search engines like 301 redirects the best, so this tool will allow you to see that a 301 is being issued. It is also handy to see that all of your pages are giving 200 codes for normal content as search engines will have issues when they don't see this.

#8 - JustSearch's Keyword Competition Tool

JustSearch's Keyword Competition Tool. This tool takes a keyword as a parameter (with the option of including your own site) and tells you how well your site is doing against the top sites for that keyword. The best bit is that it gives you a radar graph of a section of the results just like the Site Comparison Tool from JustSearch.

#9 - The Internet Archive's Way Back Machine

The Internet Archive's Way Back Machine. When looking at purchasing new domains this tool will help you see how long that domain has been about. Long-standing domains will have more of an impact than brand new ones so seeing that a domain has had a site active on it for a number of years will be beneficial.

#10 - SEO Chat's Robots.txt Generator

SEO Chat's Robots.txt Generator. A nice tool that saves a bit of time when creating a robots.txt file for any site. Just type in a list of directories and files to be excluded and it will generate the file for you.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Descarca MP3 cutter 1.8

Mp3 Cutter este un program care permite transformarea fisierelor MP3 in tonuri de apel pentru telefonul mobil sau sunete pentru windows.

program de scurtat melodii|program de taiat melodii|program de scurtat melodii pentru telefon

Friday, September 24, 2010

Help us translate

We have plenty of software in languages ru,fr,ch,de . If somebody want to help us to translate our website we want to give him a free link from the translation page to his website. More details you find here:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Filerex Api Launched

We are happy to announce the release of Filerex Api.

Now you can easy search in our database and display the result in your website.

The API Service is implemented in PHP using SOAP functions and it is located at address

To see the structure returned by api function use the php function print_r.

ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 2);

$client = new SoapClient(null, array(
'location' =>"",
'uri' => ""));

You can see a full example at

You can use SMARTY to display the result.

Best Free Internet Radio

Internet radio (also known as web radio, net radio, streaming radio and e-radio) is an audio broadcasting service transmitted via the Internet.

Download Nexus Radio

Nexus Radio is a free all-in-one application for all of your music needs. Search and download over 15 million songs directly to your PC, or listen to and record over 11,000+ radio stations free of charge!

Download Radio Stream Player

Stream online radio stations without having to run a bloated player or having a internet browser window open. It offerers a nice and handy menu with access to the station list in your local language.

Download Screamer Radio

Screamer Radio is a freeware Internet Radio player for Microsoft Windows.

Download RadioSure

Listen to your favorite online radio stations.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Help us translate FileRex in your native language

If you would like this site to be accessible to a broader audience then please help us by translating it in your native language.

All the languages are welcome.

First check to see whether the site was not already translated in your language.

Here is a list with the languages the site was already translated into and the person that was kind enough to help us:

English - Perse Adrian
Romanian- Perse Alexandra

We attached a file where you can translate FileRex in your language.

The file contains a name and a text.

Ex: Download_Categories="Windows Download categories"

The name "Download_Categories" remains the same and the text "Windows Download categories" is translated.

The file can be downloaded from:

Thank you!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How to translate movie subtitles

This tutorial show you how to translate movie subtitles.

Step 1. Download and install Subtitle Translator onto your computer.

Step 2. Go to "File" Menu and select "New Project"

Step 3. Type a name for your project, and select "Original Subtitle file". Please note that this program support extension ".str" and ".sub". If you don't see your file , in the open dialog select at the section "Files of Type", All Files (*.*) .

You must select too, the output file "Translated Subtitle", and the movie file. If you don't have a file for "Translated Subtitle" create an empty file. After you completed all steps press the button "ok"

Step 4. Select text from the first section and translate the text in the second section.

Step 5. After you finished to translate the movie. Press Export Subtitle from the File Menu

Step 6. Type the Filename and press OK button.

Note: If you don't know the language and you want to translate it automatically, you can use a software called "Open Subtitle Translator" . But be aware, automated translation generate a poor quality subtitle.

Monday, July 5, 2010

How to screenshot your desktop

I'm going to show you a 10 second technique to screenshot your desktop!

Step 1. Download and install WinShot onto your computer.

Step 2. Launch application from Start->All Programs -> WinShot . A window like the below will apear on the screen.

Step 3. Press "Window key" + "PrtSc" and select a Window

Step 4. A window with the screenshot and options will apear.

Step 5. Click on the floppy disk icon , and the screenshot will be save in "My Pictures" directory.

Step 6. To access "My Pictures" directory click on Start ->My Documents .

How to find your IP address

This method works on Windows 7, XP, Vista, 98.

Step 1. Click on Start and select Run.

Step. 2 Type cmd then click OK.

Step. 3 From the Command Prompt, enter ipconfig. It will return your IP address,
subnet mask, and default gateway.

Step. 4 Type exit to close the command prompt.

Note: Please be careful, if you are behind a router this is not you real IP address. In this case you can access a website link this ( ) to find you IP address.

How to Convert Word to PDF

A short tutorial on how you could convert your Word to PDF format.

1. Download and install CutePDF software onto your computer.

2. Open the document in Microsoft Word and press File->Print... in application main menu.

3. Select CutePDF Writer from the printers list and press "ok" button.

4. "Save As" dialog will appear. Type the name of PDF and click button "Save".

5. Converted document will then be opened in Adobe Acrobat or another viewer associated with PDF files on your computer.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Best Free MP3 Tag Editor

A tag editor (or tagger) is a piece of software that supports editing metadata of multimedia file formats, rather than the actual file content.

TagScanner is a multifunction program for organizing and managing your music collection.

Mp3tag is a powerful and yet easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of common audio formats where it supports ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, iTunes MP4, WMA, Vorbis Comments and APE Tags.

MusicBrainz Picard adopts a different way of updating tags via its online database.

Extremely simple to use, and still has more features than any other tagging application. Automatic tagging, renaming, organizing, manual tagging, and adapting your organisation to YOUR needs with powerful scripts, playback, support of MP3/Ogg/FLAC/WMA.

Auto tag of lyrics and cover arts from internet, auto tag from file names, organize and rename files, case conversion, remove tags, execute scripts, etc.

AudioShell is a freeware MS Windows Explorer shell extension plugin which allows you to view and edit music files id3 tag directly in Windows Explorer.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Best Open Source Shopping Carts

1. osCommerce

osCommerce is the leading Open Source online shop e-commerce solution that is powered by a dedicated, strong, and ever growing community, and is released under the GNU General Public License.

2. Zen Cart

Zen Cart truly is the art of e-commerce; free, user-friendly, open source shopping cart software.

3. Magento

Magento is a robust e-commerce software application designed to be simple to customize.

4. OpenCart

A free shopping cart system. OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online e-commerce solution.

5. PrestaShop

PrestaShop is a professional e-Commerce shopping cart software that you can download and use for free.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Best PHP Frameworks

PHP Frameworks

A web application framework is a software framework that is designed to support the development of dynamic websites, Web applications and Web services.

CodeIgniter: an open source Web Application Framework that helps you write PHP programs


Based on an innovative architecture, Symfony is fast, flexible, and easy to learn. It allows developers to build better and more easily maintainable websites with PHP.


CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP that provides an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying applications. Using commonly known design patterns like MVC and ORM within the convention over configuration paradigm, CakePHP reduces development costs and helps developers write less code.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Free image editor software

This is my review of some of the most common free image editors, and some of the ones that I like, and you've never heard of :wink: This is meant for the people who are on a really tight budget like me, I would not recomend any of these over Corel Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop Elements, or Photoshop CS3.

Gimp Terrible user interface, it's very confusing, and it really slows down the program with so many things going on at once. It does however have some very nice effects and tools. If you are computer savy, and on a tight budget this is probley the closest to photoshop you can get for no money. Another option is Gimp-Shop, which is based off of Photoshops menue system, but the source code is from an older version of The Gimp, so most of the plugins and "Script-Foos" won't work.

Gimp has a lot of useful plugins and Script-Foos, but yet again the interface is just a huge problem here. It is very hard to know how to use them.

Were it not for the interface I would give The Gimp 10/10, but as it is I give it a 6/10. (windows only) I really recomend this program. It supports infinate layers, and infanite undo. The interface is extremly easy to understand, and it has a lot of powerfull tools that you will not find in Photofilter, and similar programs. While not as powerfull as The Gimp, it will still do all you need it to.

The plugins are for the most part very good. Some of them though are a bit pointless or redundant, and many are meant for graphic designers. Don't let this fool you though, it still has some very nice effects, and the Soft-focus, and Glow are, in my opinion, even nicer than those found in Photoshop. My biggest gripe about it though is that you will notice 3 very important things missing immediatly,

1) It only supports 8-bit color
2) No Burn or Dodge tool
3) No Polygonal Lasso

But don't let this turn you away from Paintdotnet, it is still a very powerfull tool, and most likely all of these things will be found in version 4.0 (it's currently at version 3.2).

I give this program 8/10

Photofilter As the name implies it is mainly about filters, but it is labeled as being a full image editor. There aren't really many powerfull tools in it, and the interface is out-dated. I will say though that it is easy to use. If you really like filter effects, then this is the program for you, but I found it to be an old clunky beast with no real point other than to please point-and-shooters, and scrap-bookers. I really find nothing wrong with that, but I am not pleased that the description is so misleading.

I give this program 3/10

Now we are going to move away from the full-fledged image editors, and on to the veiwers/editors/organizers.

Picasa 2 This is a wonderfull free image viewer, while it may not be Photoshop Light Room, it does do a great job of keeping you organized. As soon as it is installed you get the option to have it scan your entire computer (all connected drives), and organize all of the images based on the date that we were taken. It has some nice effects, nothing you can't do in Photoshop, but sometimes you don't need the "big-guns".

It really is a pleasure for me to use because not only does it keep me organized, but it also reads Canon raw files, so there is no need to fill up my computers hard drives with their ineffective, and slow software. The Raw download on Picasa is much faster than on the Canon supplied software. I am not positive, but I think it also supports Nikon's raw format, so it could really be appealing to Nikon shooters as well as a RAW downloader.

The one weakness of this program though is its slide show feature. The buttons in an odd-ball place, and it isn't as nice looking as other image viewers.

I give this program 9/10

FastStone image viewer Another great program, it's not as powerful as Picasa, but I still love to use it, and I am sure others will as well. It does not veiw, or download RAW files, but it does do a great job of going through jpeg and tiff files. FastStone has a much better Slide Show feature than Picasa, and that is one of the main reasons I still have it. The Slide Show allows you to move your cursor around, and veiw shooting information in one area (it has a little box that pops out), and in another area it has a menu that pops up when you put your cursor over it for editing features.

The editing features are somewhat limited, but that is to be expected when using a program like this. It does have one feature though that will appeal to both newbies and veterans alike though, the crop tool has a grid that comes up, and helps you apply the rule of thirds to your image. It also has red-eye reduction, it works, but there are better red-eye reduction functions on other software. It also allows you to add frames, I don't know how, but it does.

I give this program 8/10

Irfanview This is another really limited program, but it does have one feature that still makes it worth a look, it is compatible with photoshop 8bf plugins, which is the format most photoshop plugins are in. It has a simple to use interface, even if it is a bit.....lacking. The levels adjustment works well, and it has a variety of downloadable skins that are fun, but relitivley useless.

Despite the good though, I think if this were the only image editor availible we'd still be shooting film. Even Faststone has almost as many editing features, and it has a slide show feature, and is an organizer to boot. If you just want to edit levels, and change to colors of a picture in one click, Irfanview will do that, but try to go beyond, and you will find yourself wanting more.

I give this program 5/10

Artweaver (windows) Artweaver is a fun to use program that is meant to be a free-ware version of Corel painter. Although not nearly as powerful, and lacking mixable paints, it really excels at drawing with different brushes, and is very fun to use.

While meant to be a painting program it does still have some nice image editing features. The polygonal lasso tool works much like you expect it to, and it has an unsharpen mask. It also has the ability to add texture to your pictures, and it creates a neat "fish-eye" effect that is meant to mimick a fish eye lens on a slr, or Holga. While not designed to be an image editor it still excells at things you wouldn't expect it to, and for that reason I highly recomend it.

I give this program 7/10

Friday, May 7, 2010

Best Free Partition Manager

Disk partitioning is the act or practice of dividing the storage space of a hard disk drive into separate data areas known as partitions. A partition editor program can be used to create, delete or modify these partitions.

Download EASEUS Partition Master

It allows you to easily create, delete or format partitions with a simple step, resize and move partitions without erasing data, hide or unhide partitions in your hard drive.

Download Easeus Partition Master

Download Partition Wizard Home Edition

Partition Wizard Home Edition is a free partition manager software designed by MT Solution Ltd. Our partition manager supports 32/64 bit Windows Operating System including Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7

Partition Wizard Home Edition Screenshot

Download Paragon Partition Manager Express

Partition Manager Express provides easy and reliable hard drive partitioning and full-range of hard disk management.With Express Edition you can easily organize your hard drive and redistribute your free space.

Paragon Partition Manager Express Screenshot

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Best Bible Software

Biblical software or Bible software is a group of computer applications designed to view and study biblical texts and concepts.

Bible Explorer

Bible Explorer is the fastest and easiest to use free bible study software. Over 3,400 Bible and Bible reference works available!

Bible Explorer Screenshot


SwordSearcher makes study easier and faster for Christians seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible, with an efficient interface for both devotional and in-depth Bible study.

SwordSearcher Screenshot

The Word

Bible Software without price: Completely free, high-quality Bible Study Software for everyone. The Word is also portable and works directly off a USB flash drive.

The Word Screenshot

Bible Star Pro

Get 145 Bibles, with thousands of references, commentaries and massive numbers of Bible maps. Includes Bibles in 16 languages and a simple to use interface based on the popular Microsoft Office look and feel. Big buttons with clear instructions

Bible Star Pro Screenshot

Bible Pro

BiblePro includes 1.75 million verse links, 250,000 commentaries, 43 bibles, more than 100 maps, and an interface with free updates for life. BiblePro uses the same buttons, tools, look, and feel of Microsoft Word and Outlook.

Bible Pro Screenshot

Best Free Drive Imaging Software

A drive-imaging program makes a byte-by-byte duplicate of your full hard drive (or of one or more partitions if you've divided your physical drive into multiple logical drives), maintaining the identical data structure.

EASEUS Todo Backup

Free backup and restore software for your system, partition and hard disk!

Macrium Reflect

Award winning Windows backup and disk imaging software. Backup files and folders into a single compressed archive file or create a browse able image of your hard disk for easy hard disk upgrade or recovery.

Paragon Backup and Recovery Free

Paragon Backup & Recovery is the best, free disk backup software!

DriveImage XML

Make a replica—an image—of your entire hard drive for easy backup and restore later.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Best DVD/CD Burning Software

We made a list of best burning software:

Download CDBurnerXP

CDBurnerXP is a freeware burning solution with many features. It can burn Data-CDs/DVDs and Audio-CDs, create and burn ISO files.

CDBurnerXP Screenshot

Download ImgBurn

ImgBurn is a lightweight CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray burning application that everyone should have in their toolkit.


Download InfraRecorder

InfraRecorder is a high quality free CD/DVD burning solution for Microsoft Windows. It offers a wide range of powerful features; all through an easy to use application interface and Windows Explorer integration.

InfraRecorder 0.50

Download FinalBurner

FinalBurner is a freeware alternative to expensive CD and DVD recorders. It allows users to produce professional data, audio, video disks and ISO images. Many types of media are supported, including CD R/RW, DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD DL.


Download DeepBurner

DeepBurner is an advanced and extremely powerful CD and DVD burning package that comes absolutely for FREE. It removes the hassle of making CDs, DVDs, autoruns, creating labels and booklets.

Download DVDStyler

DVDStyler is a free DVD authoring application for the creation of professional-looking DVDs. It allows not only burning of video files on DVD that can be played practically on any standalone DVD player, but also creation of own-designed DVD menus.


Download WavePad

Free sound editing program to edit wav, mp3 or other audio files.

WavePad 4.42

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Best Free Subtitle Editor Software

Subtitle editor is a type of software to create/edit subtitle.


* Create new subtitle
* Change subtitle format (MicroDVD, MPSub, SubRip,...)
* Change frame rate
* Change character encoding
* Find/replace
* Shift subtitles by a specified delay
* spell check
* video preview

1. DivXLand Media Subtitler

DivXLand Media Subtitler is the best alternative to subtitle all types of movies really fast and easily. Freeware and multilanguage, creating and editing subtitles was never so fun and easy.

2. Subtitle Workshop

Subtitle Workshop is the most complete, efficient and convenient freeware subtitle editing tool. It supports all the subtitle formats you need and has all the features you would want from a subtitle editing program.

3. AVIAddXSubs

AVIAddXSubs is a simple to use, free program to subtitle videos converting the original srt files you may have.


DVDSubEdit allows you to visualize and make modifications to the subpics (subtitles or button highlights in menus) directly inside the VOB files, without the need to demux and remux the subpic stream.


SubMagic is a tool to convert, edit, translate, synchonize or create movie subtitles.


A free all in one subtitle editor, with movie player built in for synchronization.

7.Subtitle Edit

Subtitle Edit is a free editor for video subtitles - a subtitle editor.

Friday, March 19, 2010

News Press Release Microsoft Announces Hardware-Accelerated HTML5, Pushes Boundaries on Web and Cloud Development

AS VEGAS — March 16, 2010 — Industry standards and innovation took center stage at MIX10, as Microsoft Corp. made a series of announcements that underscore the company’s commitment to interoperability and performance on the Web. Dean Hachamovitch, general manager of Internet Explorer at Microsoft, unveiled the Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview including expanded support for HTML5, hardware-accelerated graphics and text, and a new JavaScript engine. Together these allow developers to use the same markup and deliver graphically and functionally rich Web applications that take advantage of modern PC hardware through a modern operating system.

Microsoft also announced that it will contribute to the development of new features and enhancements in the jQuery JavaScript Library and shared the release of new software development kits (SDKs) for the Open Data Protocol (OData) that make it easier for developers to access data from the cloud to create more compelling cross-platform Web applications.

Raising Developer Expectations With Hardware Acceleration, Increased Interoperability

As part of its commitment to interoperability, Microsoft detailed its support for a number of HTML5 specifications, including CSS3, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), XHTML parsing, and the video and audio tags using industry-standard (H.264/MPEG4 and MP3/AAC) codecs, among others. In addition, Microsoft demonstrated a new JavaScript engine that uses the multiple cores of today’s modern chips to effectively manage computing resources and improve Web performance. By combining increased interoperability with a new JavaScript engine and Direct 2D technology, Internet Explorer 9 enables Web developers to provide users with richer experiences that render more quickly and consistently.

“I am very happy with Microsoft’s commitment to the HTML Working Group and to HTML5,” said Philippe Le Hegaret, W3C, Domain Leader.

“Internet Explorer 9 is the first browser to take standard Web patterns that developers use and run them better on modern PCs through Windows,” Hachamovitch said.

Starting at MIX10, developers also will be able to track Microsoft’s progress and provide direct feedback on the Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview by evaluating new code refreshes approximately every eight weeks leading up to the beta release. Developers can download the Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview at

“Internet Explorer 9 enabling GPU-accelerated HTML5 is a milestone for visual computing,” said Drew Henry, general manager of GeForce and ION GPU business unit at NVIDIA Corp. “By harnessing the power of NVIDIA GPUs, Internet Explorer 9 removes the glass ceiling for Web developers, enabling them to build graphically rich, high-performing Web applications.”

Increased Support of Client Development Through the jQuery JavaScript Library

As part of Microsoft’s broad engagement with open source communities, Corporate Vice President Scott Guthrie today announced that Microsoft is investing resources to contribute to the development of the jQuery JavaScript Library to help improve the development process of standards-based Web applications. Microsoft will also work to provide better interoperability between ASP.NET and the jQuery JavaScript Library by enhancing ASP.NET so .NET developers can better incorporate jQuery capabilities. In addition, Microsoft will actively promote and distribute versions of the jQuery JavaScript Library by packaging it with popular products such as Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.NET MVC 2. As a first step, Microsoft will contribute a templating engine to the jQuery JavaScript Library Team to simplify Web applications.

Creating Compelling User Experiences, Powered by the Cloud

To enable developers to build immersive, cross-platform Web and mobile applications that use data delivered from the cloud, Microsoft also released SDKs for OData, an HTTP and Atom-based approach to data portability, for a number of languages and platforms including .NET, Java, PHP, Objective-C (iPhone and Mac) and JavaScript. In addition, Microsoft announced the second Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Microsoft code-named “Dallas,” an information marketplace powered by the Windows Azure platform, which provides developers with access to third-party datasets that can be consumed by Web and mobile applications. By making content and data available with an OData feed via “Dallas,” developers can access and monetize their data under their terms and pricing, which can be can built into applications to deliver unique user experiences.

Today, developers can take advantage of more than 30 datasets from content providers, including NAVTEQ, Pitney Bowes Business Insight, Weather Central and, available on the “Dallas” information marketplace. Developers can access the OData SDK at and download “Dallas” CTP2 at

The latest news from MIX10 is available at

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.

You can download Internet Explorer 9 from

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Best Compression Software

Definition: File compression software allows you to compress large files or bundle a number of files into smaller, more maneuverable compression file types such as ZIP and RAR for easier distribution and sharing in the workplace or amongst friends.


WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. It can backup your data and reduce the size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.

2. Winzip

The world’s most popular Zip utility for file compression, encryption, packaging, and data backup.


IZArc is the best freeware winzip/winrar alternative.

4. TUGZip

TUGZip is a powerful award-winning freeware archiving utility for Windows that provides support for a wide range of compressed, encoded and disc-image files

5. 7-Zip

7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.

6. WinAce

WinAce is not just another archiving shell. With it's own powerful compression format ACE and built-in support for other popular compression types like ZIP, RAR and MS-CAB (to name a few), WinAce could actually become the only archiver you need.

7. Universal Extractor

Universal Extractor is a program do to exactly what it says: extract files from any type of archive

8. ALZip

Extract 36 and save 8 formats, one-click unzip through speed extractor, make self extractors (SFX, EXE), recover lost passwords, command line, easy enough for kids, powerful enough for IT pros - Just a few reasons to download ALZip today.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Best Diary Software

A personal written record of daily events and thoughts. As private documents, diaries are supposedly not intended for an audience


iDailyDiary provides a simple interface that immediately gets you started taking daily notes, creating a journal, putting your thoughts into writing and much more.

Advanced Diary

Advanced Diary is so much more than just a simple diary! The features of this program make it a more than worthy rival to all the journaling programs out there! With rich text, password protection, ability to insert photos, and much, much more!

The Journal

Whatever your journaling or writing needs, The Journal gives you unmatched convenience, flexibility, and security.

Alpha Journal

Alpha Journal lets anyone keep a private journal, diary or log for personal or business use, but that's not all... Entries are stored in an encrypted file with optional password protection.

Best text editors software

Notepad ++

Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages.

NoteTab Light

Popular text editor and Notepad replacement.

TED Notepad

Light-weight portable text editor with many hotkeys, clipboards and innovative features; all for quick, easy and advanced editing. Fits on any USB and loads instantly with no installation required.


TinyEdit Text Editor is a free text editor, a ideal tool as a good Notepad replacement, have many powerful features for Web page developers and programmers, supports syntax highlighting more than 26 code scripts, include Java, C/C++, HTML, and more.


DocPad is a plain text editor with many advantages over Notepad: block indent/unindent, bookmarking, customizable toolbar, file history, keyboard macros, print preview, wildcard search and replace, spell checking, statistics, and much more.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Best Piano Software


PianoFX Studio 4.0 from Tanseon Systems is an advanced Piano Music Keyboard Synthesizer for the Personal Computer. You can play live piano music using your PC keyboard or mouse without the requirement of a conventional Piano.

Virtual Music Composer

Even if you aren't familiar with computers, or you don't play a piano, guitar... create your own song in your own way. Virtual Music Composer produces its own completely new musical themes. Just listen to the music. Get ideas and be inspired.


Uses the standard treble and bass clef staffs. Notes are displayed in the piano roll format, so it shows music with absolute accuracy. Notes are entered directly on the staffs, and you can edit each note to give it the exact characteristics you want.

Music MasterWorks

MIDI music composing software. Allows you to compose music just by singing into your PC microphone. It will also analyze your singing. You can record, edit, playback and print sheet music as well. Compose in either staff or piano roll notation.

MusicGoals Eye and Ear

Music Fundamentals, Ear Training, Music Theory. Build musicianship skills. Master notes, scales, intervals, chords by eye and ear. Study piano, guitar, violin, viola, cello, or bass. For beginner to advanced. Windows Vista and XP.

Virtual Piano

This is a great virtual piano. All the notes are in tune! The Piano plays very smooth. Probably alot smoother than you would expect a computer piano to play. Compose real music with this accurate piano reprodution. Visit for notes


PianoFX Studio 4.0 from Tanseon Systems is an advanced Piano Music Keyboard Synthesizer for the Personal Computer. You can play live piano music using your PC keyboard or mouse without the requirement of a conventional Piano.

Best Free Screen Session Recorder


Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed at creating tutorials on how to use software.


Allows to take screen snapshots, make screen recordings in .swf format, save to local machine, an FTP server.


This software is able to record all screen and audio activity and create industry-standard AVI video files and SWF files.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Filerex Forum

We are happy to announce the release of Filerex Forum. A forum about software, and other tips for your computers. You are welcome to write any question about any software, to comment new releases , and to think about the future software.

Our link is:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Best Free DJ Mixing Software

DJ Mixing Software provides instant bpm beat matching, synchronised sampler, scratch, automatic seamless loops and remixing functions, effects, and much more...


Mixxx is free, open source DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes.

KraMixer DJ Software

Kramixer is a free DJ software program that runs on most versions of Windows.

UltraMixer Professional

UltraMixer is a DJ-Mixing-Software which enables you to mix digital music in various formats such as MP3, WMA, OGG, WAV or CDs in real time. All you need is a sound card. The DJ's turntables are replaced by two digital SoundPlayers.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Free Math Software

Mathematical software is software used to model, analyze, or calculate numeric, symbolic, or geometric data.


SAGE is open source math software which is provided for free of charge. You can use it for studying many things about mathematics, including algebra, calculus, elementary to very advanced number theory, numerical computation, commutative algebra,...


FreeMat is an environment for rapid engineering and scientific processing. It is similar to commercial systems such as MATLAB from Mathworks and IDL from Research Systems, but is Open Source.


GEONEXT is dynamic mathematics software that provided for free of charge as learning and teaching tool. The software can be used for learning, teaching from elementary school up to calculus at high schools.


GeoGebra is free and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software for learning and teaching. It has received several educational software awards in Europe and the USA.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Best Free Disk Health Monitoring Utility

The hard disk analyzing and monitoring tools based on the SMART technology. Will predict HDD failure and prevent losing critical data.


DiskCheckup measures the performance and 'health' of your S.M.A.R.T. enabled hard disk drive. It can track attribute changes over time and 'predict' the date at which your HDD will fail.It can be command line driven and will also send alerts by email.


HDD Health

HDD Health is a full-featured failure-prediction agent for machines using Windows 95, 98, NT, Me, 2000 and XP. Sitting in the system tray, it monitors hard disks and alerts you to impending failure.

HDD Health

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Best 3D graphics software

3D computer graphics (in contrast to 2D computer graphics) are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data (often Cartesian) that is stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering 2D images. Such images may be for later display or for real-time viewing.

An example of 3D image:


CINEMA 4D or C4D is a 3-D application that is popular amongst matte painters in film production, largely due to the BodyPaint 3D functionality. It has been used for films such as We Are the Strange, Polar Express, Open Season and Monster House.


Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.


LightWave 3D® is a complete modeling, animation and rendering solution.

Google SketchUp

You can use Google SketchUp to create, modify and share 3D models.

Best Free Anti Spyware Software

Spyware is a type of malware that is installed on computers and collects information about users without their knowledge. The presence of spyware is typically hidden from the user. Typically, spyware is secretly installed on the user's personal computer. Sometimes, however, spywares such as keyloggers are installed by the owner of a shared, corporate, or public computer on purpose in order to secretly monitor other users.


Real-time protection against spyware, trojans, rootkits, hijackers, keyloggers, and more.

Spybot - Search & Destroy

Spybot-S&D searches your hard disk for so-called spy- or adbots; little modules that are responsible for the ads many programs show. But many of these modules also transmit information about your surfing behaviour and more to the net.

Windows Defender

Windows Defender is a free program that helps you stay productive by protecting your computer against pop-ups, slow performance and security threats caused by spyware and other potentially unwanted software.


A real-time protection solution against spyware and other potentially unwanted software.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Best Free Download Manager

A download manager is a computer program dedicated to the task of downloading (and sometimes uploading) possibly unrelated stand-alone files from (and sometimes to) the Internet for storage.


E7Pro is a must have add-on for IE, which includes a lot of features and tweaks to make your IE friendlier, secure and customizable. IE7Pro includes Tabbed Enhance, Autofill, Inline Search,MiniDM, Super Drag Drop and Spell Check,IE faster,Grab&Drag

Free Download Manager

Free Download Manager it is a powerful, easy-to-use and absolutely free download accelerator and manager.

Orbit Downloader

Orbit Downloader, leader of download manager revolution, is devoted to new generation web (web2.0) downloading, such as video/music/streaming media from Myspace, YouTube, Imeem, Pandora, Rapidshare, support RTMP.

GetGo Download Manager

Free Full Featured Online Video and File Download Manager, Downloader and Accelerator. An Essential Internet Tool for Increasing Speed, Resuming, Scheduling, and Organizing. Integration with Browsers allows "1-Click" YouTube and FLV Video Download.


FlashGet is a leading download manager and has the highest amount of users on the internet.


Gigaget is the next generation download manager which utilizes cutting-edge Net Grid technology that improves your download speed by 7-10 times.

Download Accelerator Plus

Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) 9.3 is the most popular download manager. Features include: the fastest possible downloads; Mirroring Speed Boost; complete privacy features; Multi Antivirus security; Twitter Integration; and RapidShare Optimization.